Printable Comic Strip Template

Comic strips have been a beloved form of entertainment for people of all ages. They combine art and storytelling to create engaging narratives that can be funny, touching, or thought-provoking. Whether you’re a fan of classic comic strips like Peanuts and Garfield or prefer more modern ones like Calvin and Hobbes, having a printable comic strip template can be a great way to unleash your creativity and create your own comics.

Comic Strip Template Examples

Comic Strip Template ExampleOne example of a printable comic strip template is shown above. This template provides space for you to draw your own characters and write dialogue and captions. The boxes are numbered, making it easy to follow the sequence of the story.

Another option is the template shown below:

Another Comic Strip Template ExampleThis template features larger panels, allowing for more detailed artwork. It also includes space for a title and the date, so you can keep track of your comic strip creations.

How to Use a Printable Comic Strip Template

Using a printable comic strip template is simple and fun. Here are some steps to get you started:

1. Choose a template: Select a printable comic strip template that you like from the options available. Consider the size and layout of the panels, as well as any additional features like speech bubbles or title spaces.

2. Print the template: Once you have chosen a template, print it out on a standard sheet of paper or cardstock. Make sure your printer settings are correct so that the template prints at the desired size.

3. Plan your story: Before diving in, take some time to brainstorm and plan your comic strip. Think about the characters, setting, and plot. Consider the tone and message you want to convey through your comic strip.

4. Start drawing: With your plan in mind, begin drawing your comic strip. Fill in the panels with your characters, backgrounds, and other details. Use speech bubbles and captions to add dialogue and narration to your story.

5. Add finishing touches: Once you have drawn your comic strip, take a step back and evaluate it. Are there any areas that could use more detail or shading? Make any necessary adjustments to really bring your comic strip to life.

6. Share and enjoy: Once you are satisfied with your comic strip, share it with others! You can display it in your home, share it online, or even create a mini comic book with multiple strips. Enjoy the satisfaction of seeing your creativity come to life.


A printable comic strip template can be a fantastic tool for unleashing your creativity and creating your own unique stories. Whether you’re a budding cartoonist or simply enjoy doodling, these templates provide a framework to bring your ideas to life. So, grab a template, sharpen your pencils, and let your imagination soar as you create your very own comic strips!